
Monday, October 3, 2011

Have you thanked anyone for a smile?

At church yesterday this stuck out to me so so much. We have such a hard time seeing the good in others and thanking people for the little things. We actually had a guest speaker. We had the real Rudy from Notre Dame come. And he was speaking about diligence and that was one of the things he talked about. He asked "have you ever thanked someone for a smile?" And it stopped me dead in my tracks and I thought about it and I don't think I ever have. Words is not my love language and it's very hard for me to show my appreciation by words. (Hard to believe I know). So I find this a great new challenge for me. So now I am trying to see everyone around me even when they have a bad or a good day and try to make it better! Piece a cake right? We also talked about going after your dreams and having diligence to pursue them. And another thing that I really liked was is it your dream to know God? If it is, what are you doing to follow it? And it's so true, we have such diligence to find a mate, or get through college, or do the things we love like reading, blogging, or running. But how much effort are we putting into our spiritual life? Makes ya think doesn't it?

After church I went down to where the teen group is held because the bathrooms down there have no lines! And I heard my name a few times from the teen's who help out at the middle school ministry and it made me smile. Then I heard my name again and someone running full force at me! And it was one of the teen girls and she gave me almost a knock over hug! It was my first one I have received from anyone at the teen group so I was grinning ear to ear and then I almost teared up and I was like no keep it together! It totally made my day! Then I headed back upstairs and saw my co-leader for our small groups and she gave me a big hug and I just thought what is going on?! My heart was so happy and I am so glad to know that I am being accepted into this group! 

Then I went over to Discovery Island which is the infants-5th grade. I am starting next Sunday in the pre-school room. As I was back there I saw my 10th grade English teacher! She remembered me and has a 4 yr old that will be in my class! How cool is that? While I was talking to the ladies who run Discovery Island they said a previous girl who helped had to move away and she just called yesterday and said I hope someone comes this weekend to fill my spot and bam there I was! It is amazing that God puts you right where you need to be in the perfect moment! I am excited to start there and get to know so many more people. The more involved I get the more excited I get to be going there! I am loving our church and it doesn't seem so gigantic anymore because I am seeing more people and feeling more at home there! I also took a scenic route on the way home and here are my few pics I stopped to take. Yes I don't have an awesome camera but here are some shots!

Don't laugh at me! 

After we went to my parents for a bit for lunch then went to Velocity. Basically Sunday I will be at church the whole day! But I am ok with that! And at Velocity we were talking about Purity. Always a fun topic! Our 10th grade girls didn't have much to say which I was kind of surprised, even without much to say it's still an awkward subject!

But I think I may have found a new running buddy! Woo. I would run with Megan but we are on way diff schedules and she runs like a bajillion miles all the time! Christiane is another co-leader and not a very avid runner so I will have someone more on my level to run with! We are trying to start up this week and run once a week together! I am going to try and run tonight. Still have a tiny cough but it's not from my chest anymore! Yay only took 2 weeks to go away!  My garmin came over the weekend so I am excited to play with that and see how it works! It is huge though! My wrists are so small so it's probably even bigger then normal on other people! Oh well I run with my phone so I am used to carrying something with me and this time I don't have to carry it! 

Oh so Antonio spilled his tea ALL over me and it was like a full cup. This was the end result. I do not kid when I say ALL over me.
I also ventured off my cappacino world and tried a spiced pumpkin latte. Not too bad, I added some sugar to it and it was better. Just tasted like pumpkin milk to me lol. I am not a huge pumpkin fan but I would get it again!

Ok, enough randomness for the day and I am off to work! Wish me luck on my run this evening, hopefully it doesn't rain so I can be outside! And it is going to suck since I have only ran once in the past month. Yikes. Hopefully I don't die! Thank you everyone for your beautiful smiles!

1. Have you heard anything lately that really made you think?
2. What is a challenge you can do this week when it comes to thinking of others?
3. Is it easy to show your appreciation with words? Or do you find it tough like me?


  1. I love the beginning part of this post! Definitely makes me think. I'm so glad that you are starting to feel involved at church! We go to a really big church and are working at getting involved better.

    Oh, and I wasn't a huge fan of the pumpkin spice either. It was just okay.

  2. Aw thanks! Ya pumpkin isn't my thing! Give me apple cider any day!


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