
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Is it May yet?

Yes, I am already wanting it to be May! Why you say? Becauseee HONEYMOONNN!! Only 94 more days till we leave for our honeymoon! And yes, I will be obnoxious on my facebook and twitter and probably count down almost every day! Hey, I deserve it. By the time May roles around we will have been married 8 months, it is a well deserved honeymoon! And weird to think it will be 8 months already! Time flies at this time of year!

Where are we going you ponder? Well our first destination:
Miamiiiiii (google)

We are going down a day early just to have wiggle room and relax! Then Saturday we are boarding this sucker:
Carnival Liberty (google)

And from there we will visit these lovely destinations:
Half Moon Cay, Bahamas (google)
St. Thomas- I am SUPER excited about this one! (google)
San Juan, Puerto Rico (google)
Turks & Caicos- also super excited for here too!! (google)

8 day vacation, 7 of it on the cruise! I can not waitttttt!!! I haven't been on vacation since Feb 2011, so I am itching to get out of MI! This is Antonio's first cruise, my 3rd! And this is what I shall be enjoying within 30 minutes of stepping foot on the cruise:
Pina Colada baby! (google)

Ok, that will not be my only drink either. It would be an injustice not to let the pina colada partake in the cruisey goodness with me! We will be good friends, that Colada and I! As Garth Brooks song says: "Bring me two pina colada's, I gotta have one for each hand!" Yes this is a good motto. Video here. 

I can not waittttt for this incase you haven't noticed! Now time to crunch at the gym and hunt for those much hated bikini's! It's either a bad day trying on bikini's or a REALLY bad day. I have yet to come out happy from bikini shopping! Oh well I am sure Mr. Colada will remedy that problem! :)

Happy Tuesday all!

-Have you ever been on a cruise? How was it? Any good memories?
-Anyone been to these places or on this ship? What's good to do on excursions?
-Any cruising tips?
-Do you find bikini shopping torturous too?


  1. You guys are going to have an AMAZING time!!! That trip sounds like too much fun. PiƱa coladas are my favorite!

  2. Oh wow, that is going to be SO SO awesome!! Ahhhhh, so fun!

  3. So fun! Can't wait for our own summer vacations! Great blog, girl :)

  4. this looks glorious! I've never been cruising, but definitely have it on the to-do list! xoxo

  5. I will drink a pina colada for everyone! :D

  6. you will love st. thomas and puerto rico. i went to both of those places last year on my first cruise and they are so beautiful!! wish i was on the cruise to go to turks and caicos too, ahh i am so jealous of your cruise!


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