
Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday all! Sadly it is raining here. :( Boo. It was so nice all weekend! But it's supposed to be 60-70 and sunny the rest of the week so I guess I will take 1 day of rain for a week of sun! Hope you all had nice weather this weekend too!

So the hubs and I are trying to find things to do together where we can have interactive fun and still spend time together and not have it involve tv/computer/video games/movies. At least now it's getting warmer out and we can start doing things outside, but during winter it's a lot harder. So we have been playing board games lately. First Monopoly, which I totally dominated in, and we bought another game Thursday. It's called Pandemic.

Basically the game is about killer viruses throughout the world and you all work together as a team to try and cure then eradicate the viruses before there are too many outbreaks that end up killing everyone. I was a little weary at first, I mean my favorite board game is the game of life, so this is a tad different for me. But I liked that we all worked together, and not against each other like Monopoly where everyone just hates each other after 5 hrs. We played it once before we went to my parents house to figure out everything. Then we went over to have dinner with my parents and play the game. Which my mom totally zoned out and it all went over her head, as to be expected. We pretty much played for her. haha. But she did manage to paparazzi us!
we were deep in thought for our next move!

We ended up dying both times we played! It is not as easy as it looks people!

Friday I had my first therapy session. It was pretty much getting to know each other and going through my history and telling her about things I had gone through. She suggested two books for me to read. I could only find the first one at the store, so the second one I will have to order. But they are not fun lift you up books. They are to deal with my trauma and really dig deep and learn more about it and face it. And she told me this is going to be really hard and that I have a lot of work ahead of me so be prepared. Which I had already assumed, but I felt good when I left. We didn't get into anything deep, so that will be next week! I really like the lady, her name is Jen. And she said she isn't afraid to dig deep! She doesn't just sit back and say mhm yes. Which is exactly what I wanted! So I am excited for next week to get started! Part of me is a little nervous about what she may uncover that I have chosen to forget. Guess we shall see! Here are the books.
via google
via google

I realize a lot of you may be saying oh my gosh she is talking about actually going to therapy!? GASP! I would never! Well that's quite alright if you would never. But I am choosing to talk about what I feel like. This blog is not yours, or about you. And I feel like a lot of women don't speak up about sexual abuse and this may be an outlet for them to push them to do so. If I can say 1 thing to inspire someone to realize something, or decide to face their issue, than that's all I ask. I feel like if this wasn't the right thing for me to do, God would not be letting me do so. I feel as though my misery is my ministry and I want to help others. And on top of that it is therapeutic for me as well. Learning about what happened, why it did, and why I have come to be this way. So key things I am learning may be what I share. 

I am not going to break down the whole hour of our talk. It may just be those light bulb moments you have that I can share with other victims who would understand it. So please do not ridicule me or think I am crazy because I am sharing this journey. It takes a lot of guts to share inner depths of my souls and admit my faults and that I was abused. There is nothing easy, or simple about this. So unless you are in the same position you have no idea what it's like to choose to share this. Keeping it inside has turned me into something horrible and sharing is going to release a lot of that. I challenge you to to be more open and share the bad parts of your lives with others, it is quite freeing and people are not as judgmental as you think. If anything, a lot more people can relate and like you more because you admit you aren't perfect. We all know everyone has hard times, so stop denying and hiding it!

Ok moving on from my rants. So then Friday night we had some friends over and played Pandemic and ended up watching food network at 11:30, bad idea. So we ended up at Denny's! This always seems to happen, I never learn my lesson! We got home at about 2, because the lady was pretty much a snail. worst service I have ever had. Took an hour and a half to finish eating and get our bill. Took probably 45 minutes till we got any food at all. Don't think we will be back there anytime soon! In my defense, I said steak and shake! They shoulda listened to me, since I am right always ya know! hah kidding.

Saturday the hubs works, so I crazily decided to get up at be at the gym at 8:30. Yes I know, on a saturday? I don't know what I was thinking either. I met up with my workout buddy Jen and we took the crazy lady spin class at 9:15. This time I had my inhaler and I could actually breathe the whole time, it was SO much better! So I felt good after and decided to stay and do RPM spinning at 11:30. But that meant I had time to kill in between. So I walked for an hour on an interval incline and didn't do anything too strenuous so my legs would hurt. Then I took the second class and my legs were on fire! Woo. Felt good when I walked out knowing I did 2 hrs of spin and another hour workout. 3 hrs total, again I don't know what is wrong with me. 

So then I decided it was time to go grocery shopping. Oops. Bad idea. I was starving, so everything looked sooo good! Needless to say we have lots of snacks now! But I also opted to try these bad boys-
via google

OH MY GOSH PEOPLE. These are amazing. I was just licking the filling out, no need for the cookie! I need to have Antonio hide them because I want to eat them all! You must try!!!

Since the hubs was working I just went over and hung out with my parents where I proceeded to pass out from exhaustion. So I ended up staying over because I passed out. Felt weird to be in my old room, in my old bed. My mom LOVED it! Of course.

Sunday I went back home and did some laundry and reading while the hubs did some of his own stuff. Then since it was so nice out we went for a walk at Gallop park which was PACKED. We learned we should go to the bathroom before since the only one there was at least a half mile walk from our car! Oops! We walked about a mile and a half total then headed home. I made some dinner-turkey sausage, annie's mac n cheese, and string green beans. For dessert oreos and my mom's grape salad. We are 8 yrs old at heart. Who doesn't love good ole mac n cheese and hot dogs? At least they were turkey! Then we just relaxed and watched cupcake wars for me, and the walking dead for him! 

So all in all had a good weekend! 

Your turn
do you and your significant other do things together outside of the norm? If so what?
have you ever done any crazy long workouts?
tried these oreos yet?
What's your fav old time meal from being little?

Enjoy your monday! Spinning class #1 of the week with crazy lady tonight! I am becoming addicted, I know. Oh well.


  1. This game sounds like it would be perfect for my Mr. A. He loves stuff like this.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  2. what a fun weekend! I am a sucker for oreos... I must try those! xo

  3. Sounds like a great weekend. Glad your first therapy session went well. I'll keep you in my prayers. I need to channel some of your motivation to get my butt to the gym!

  4. I have yet to try those Oreo's and I'm thinking that I should try them ASAP! Everyone has said great things about them!

  5. Allan and I do odd things together all the time but they seem normal to us!

    Haven't tried those oreos because I'm afraid I will eat every last one.


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